
When we set up the brewery we had one simple aim - to produce traditional good quality beer. Its not that we don't admire the creation of an ice cream cappuccino double IPA but it isn't us.

We just enjoy brewing and sharing our passion for beer. If we don't like the beer style it doesn't get brewed. If we wouldn't be happy paying for it in a pub, we will not sell it. Our key question when conducting research is, "would I order another pint of that?".

We are about local ingredients, where ever possible, and traditional methods. We don't filter the beer or use clearing agents. If its clear it is because we have given it time to clear. If its not, its a wheat beer or an American hazy IPA! It definitely isn't pasteurised for longer shelf life or artificially carbonated so forgive us if you like your beer with lots of fizz - we don't. 

Our labels reflect local places and if we manage to raise a smile, so much the better. How do we name them? We sit down with good friends, a few beers and keep going until we have had a good laugh and offended no one. At that point we have a potential name.

The labels are mostly ideas conceived by Ricky and created by his daughter, animation artist Amy Dolphin. We have also bought artwork from local artist Trevor Wick. 

We hope you enjoy them as much as have enjoyed creating them.